Coconut oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested from the coconut palm, which can last up to six months at 24 °C (75 °F) without spoiling. It’s solid at room temperature and is both extremely moisturizing and easy to absorb. The amazing benefits of this all-natural substance continue, coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal.
All of these benefits translate into documented results; in a recent Prevention magazine article, “10 Amazing Beauty Tricks With Coconut Oil,” they recognize what coconut oil can do:
A recent animal study found that when applied topically, virgin organic coconut oil for skin can speed up wound healing, and a human study found it to be effective in increasing hydration and reducing water loss in seriously dry skin.
In his article “20 Coconut Oil Benefits for Your Brain, Heart, Joints + More!,” Dr. Josh Axe recognizes the specific therapeutic uses coconut oil has for arthritis-related inflammation.
In a study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in virgin coconut oil (VCO) reduced inflammation and treated arthritis more effectively than leading medications.
In another recent study, coconut oil that was harvested with only medium heat was found to suppress inflammatory cells. It worked as both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Coconut oil is also high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). This is very important because unlike other types of fats, MCTs don’t need to be broken down before they’re used for energy, and they don’t require any extra energy to digest or absorb. This makes the use of coconut oil especially helpful as a carrier for those who suffer from impaired fat digestion and gallbladder issues.
When formulating TheraJoy we quickly realized Organic Coconut Oil would be the perfect base for our product.